lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

Evelyn Venegas/Assignment # 2/English english everywere

1. How many sovereign/non-sovereign countries use English as a first language?
Sovereign states: fifty-seven countries
Non-sovereign entities: twenty-four countries

2. How many African nations use English as a first language?
twenty-four nations

3. Where are the following islands located:
A. Pitcairn Islands: Is a group of volcanic island in the Pacific Ocean and is a British overseas territory.
B. Saint Helena/Tristan da Cunha: Is also a group of volcanic island but in the South Atlantic Ocean and is a British overseas territory
C. Seychelles: is an archipelago nation in the Indian Ocean, some 1,500 kilometers east of mainland Africa.
D. Malta: is an archipelago of seven islands situated in the Southern European areas of the Mediterranean Sea.
E. Turk and Caicos Islands: is a British overseas territory the islands are geographically contiguous to the Bahamas

4. Define the term, lingua franca?
lingua franca is a language systematically used to communicate between persons not sharing a mother tongue, in particular when it is a third language, distinct from both persons' mother tongues.

5. English is...
the answer is D: a West Germanic language developed in Anglo-Saxon England.

6. The history of English is divided into...
the answer is B: Old, Middle, Modern

7. The main Germanic tribes who developed Old English were...
the answer is A: Angles, Saxons and the Jutes

8. Name the 2 factors which contributed to the spread of English worldwide.
First is because this language is used in all means of communication and the growth of the British Empire.

9. Which West Germanic languages are related to English?
There the Dutch, Afrikaans, Low German, High German.

10. Which North Germanic languages are related to English?
There the Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faroese.